

In our first meeting, my intention is to get to know you personally and professionally as well as to understand your business and life goals. As we work together, I will work with you as a sounding board as well as provide insights to accelerate your growth both personally and professionally.

Professionally, accelerated growth occurs through strategic planning, creating operational systems, understanding human resource issues, marketing and project/client development.

Personally, growth occurs through the awareness of your inner dialogue and how it affects your decision-making process.

topics we cover

Strategic Planning:

  • Mission (Why do you exist?)

  • Vision (Where you want to go?)

  • Values (Who are you and what do you stand for?)

Operational systems:

  • Establishing financial controls

  • Tracking project profitability

  • Establishing fair fees

  • Defining scope

  • Invoicing strategies

  • Implementing software to assist
    with operations

Human Resources:

  • Your people are your heart

  • What motivates your staff

  • How to hire the right person

  • Defining roles within your company

  • Mentoring / Coaching

  • Benefit packages

  • Being a part of the interview process

Project/Client Development:

  • Acting as a sounding board and resource to discuss any client or project issues

  • Crafting a project’s story

  • Understanding clients, what is their motivation (money driven, design driven, time driven, etc.)


  • Providing coaching to enhance both your inner and outer growth.

  • Enhancing your work/life balance.


+560% in 4 years

Revenue Growth
Firm A

+140% in 3 years

Firm Growth
Firm B

+300% in 4 Years (from 3 to 9 Staff people)

Staff Growth
Firm A